Terms and Conditions

Last Update: December 2023


1. Introduction

1.    That set forth below is written in the masculine gender but of course applies to both men and women.
2.    JobMaster offers its users and customers a variety of career management services, that include, inter alia: location of workers, job search, creation of a business connections network and a career oriented social network, registration for studies and courses, registration for events and conferences, etc. (hereinafter: "the services").
3.    The services are directed partly at jobseekers and partly at employers who are looking for suitable workers. In addition, the services include the professional social network that permits the user to join a professional/ social network, to create connections, to widen his circle of acquaintances relevant to his career, to create interaction in real time with friends and employers, and also to be exposed to and to register for studies, professional courses, and conferences relevant to his career.
4.    JobMaster Ltd, that operates the www.jobmaster.co.il website, shall be called, above and below, "JobMaster" and/or "the company", and the site shall be called below "the site". Jobseekers shall also be called below "jobseekers", employers who advertise job offers shall also be called below "the Advertiser", and members who join the professional social network shall also be called below "member", all as the case may be. Jobseekers, advertisers, and members who make use of the services, or part thereof, shall be called below, jointly and severally "users".
5.    Some of the services permit setting up a connection between the user and third parties. JobMaster is not a party to these agreements and they are made at the responsibility of the user and the third party and without JobMaster assuming any responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect of them.
6.    Some of the services are provided free and some involve payment, all as set forth below.
7.    The services are provided by means of the JobMaster website(s) and/or applications and/or in any other relevant way and/or medium. For reasons of convenience all the aforesaid shall be called, jointly and severally, "the site".
8.    In these terms of use you will be able to find information regarding the services, their terms of use, their cost (if they involve payment) and the rights and obligations of the users and of JobMaster itself.
9.    Some of the contents that are furnished for advertising in the site shall be exposed to all users of the Internet, including search engines that scan the site automatically on a daily/ weekly/ monthly basis, and JobMaster cannot know what responses are liable to be received following the furnishing of the contents. JobMaster shall bear no responsibility vis-a-vis the user for these responses.
10.  All the copyright and intellectual property rights regarding the design of the site, its contents (including the information and the contents appearing therein), the method of its display and any program, application, computer code, graphic file, text, and any other material included therein, belong to JobMaster only, and it has an interest and right to protect it. It is forbidden to copy, distribute, change, display in public and/or to furnish to any third party any part of the aforesaid without receiving the consent of JobMaster, in advance and in writing. Trademarks on the site are the property of JobMaster only − or, if advertised on behalf of advertisers, they are the property of these advertisers only. No use shall be made of them without their consent in advance and in writing.
11.  The user shall use the site, the information and the contents appearing therein, as is, in accordance with the decision of JobMaster, and the jobseeker shall have no complaint, claim, or demand vis-a-vis JobMaster in respect of the characteristics of the use, the limitations, or the responses that the advertising aroused on the site and in the end devices. The contents displayed on the site, the end devices, and the services of the site shall be used at the sole and full responsibility of the jobseeker.
12.  JobMaster shall be entitled to close down the site, or to change from time to time, its structure, appearance, and the availability of the services and the contents given in it, without having to give notice of this in advance. The jobseeker shall have no complaint, claim, or demand vis-a-vis JobMaster in connection with this.
13.  JobMaster provides all the means of information security required by law. However, JobMaster does not guarantee that the service provided on the site will not be interrupted and/or not supplied in an orderly manner without halts and disturbances, and/or that it will be proof against illegal access to the computers of JobMaster, damage, malfunctions, failures to hardware, software, or telecommunications lines at JobMaster or at any of its suppliers, or that it may be harmed for any other reason, and JobMaster shall not be liable for any damage, direct or indirect, aggravation, etc. that may be caused to the jobseeker as a result of this.
14.  JobMaster does not guarantee that all the links found on the site will be serviceable and will lead to an active Internet site, and the existence of a link to a specific site in the JobMaster website does not indicate that the content of the linked site is reliable, full, or updated, and JobMaster shall bear no responsibility in connection with this. Without limitation to the aforesaid, the company is not liable for any damage, direct or indirect, that may be caused to the user and/or to his property as a result of use of and/or reliance on the information and the contents appearing in the sites to which it may arrive by means of, or via, use or a link existing in the JobMaster website and/or in respect of use or reliance on information and contents advertised by third parties.
The obligations of the user − General

1.    Limitations shall apply to the user of the site regarding the publication of notices and other contents on the site. The user undertakes that in every ad and/or upload/ update of contents and/or in agreements and/or exchanges of things/information between him and another user and/or any third party, there do not appear contents as set forth below:
a)    Any content that infringes the rights of another − including intellectual property rights (copyright, trademarks, etc.).
b)    Contents of a pornographic and/or sexual nature, or that are threatening, racist, slanderous, that encourage violence and/or the execution of offences against the law, that harm privacy, are destructive, harm the feelings of the public, and contents that constitute any infringement whatsoever of the law.
c)     Contents that include erroneous and/or false and/or misleading information or that is liable to mislead.
d)    Any contents and information regarding minors and/or that identifies them, their personal details or address and means of contacting them.
e)    Any computer program, computer code, or application that contains a computer virus and/or spyware and vandals, including malware known as a Trojan horse, worms, malicious applications, etc.
f)     Passwords, usernames, and other details, that permit the use of computer software, digital files, internet websites or services, that require registration or payment, without payment or registration as aforesaid.
g)    Any information and/or content whose publication is prohibited by law, including in accordance with publication prohibition orders of courts, and including details liable to identify victims of sexual offences, offenders, or victims of offences who are minors, etc.
h)    Any information of an annoying nature or content.
i)      Any information contrary to the accepted rules of use of the Internet or that is liable to cause damage to or harm Internet users in general or users of the site in particular.
j)      Any information or proposal or application of a commercial nature and/or that contains any advertising/ marketing information whatsoever, but not including information published as part of the services and in accordance with the provisions of these regulations.
k)     Contents that are not relevant to the page on which they appear.

Changes to the services
1.    JobMaster reserves the right to change at any time the services offered on the site or to offer services differing from those offered at the time of registration by the user, all this in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the law.
2.    JobMaster shall notify the users of changes as aforesaid to the services by the means at its disposal, inter alia by means of a notice given on entry to the site or in a notice sent to the mailbox in the member's profile or by email.
3.    If the changes as aforesaid should include removal of services given until that date for payment, notice of this shall be given at least 30 days in advance.

Changes to the regulations
1.    JobMaster reserves the right to amend these regulations at any time, at its discretion, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the law. At the time of a change as aforesaid JobMaster shall notify the user of the amendments to the regulations by the means at its disposal, inter alia by means of a notice given on entry to the site or in a notice sent to the mailbox in the member's profile or by email. These amendments shall come into effect from the date of their publication, unless stated otherwise.
General provisions regarding services involving payment
1. Some of the services involve payment.
2. The charges for services involving payment (hereinafter: "the subscription") shall be collected in advance. The subscription will be automatically renewed for an additional period, depending on the type of subscription purchased. There shall apply to this period the full price based on the company's price list, as long as JobMaster has not received notice in writing, before the actual date of termination of the subscription, regarding the user's wish not extend the subscription for an additional period.
3. Customers that are a "Business owners/Osek" within the meaning of the Law for Protection of the Consumer, 5741-1981, are not entitled to cancel the subscription during the period of the subscription. If, nevertheless, they should choose to do so during the period of the subscription, the subscription fees shall not be returned to them.
4. Customers that are not a "Business owners/Osek" within the meaning of the Law for Protection of the Consumer, 5741-1981, are entitled to cancel the service at any time, in one of the following ways: by notice given verbally in the company's offices; by contacting the customer service center, Tel: 03-6343411, by Fax 03-6343422, by sending an email to info@jobmaster.co.il or by notice sent by registered mail to the address: 8 Ariel Sharon St, Or Yehuda, Terminal Park (building B); (hereinafter: "the cancellation notice").
5. The company shall stop collecting the monthly service charges, three days after the delivery date of  the cancellation notice, and if the cancellation notice was sent by registered mail, within six business days from the date of handing over the notice for dispatch.
6. These customers shall be charged for the period of use actually made of the subscription by them, in accordance with the full monthly tariff actually in effect at that time with customers making an agreement (as opposed to reduced tariffs for customers that purchase a cheaper subscription for longer periods), after the deduction of a cancellation fee in the sum of 5% of the value of the transaction.
7. It is clarified that no financial reimbursement and/or credit and/or any other consideration and/or right shall be given in respect of the period in which use was made of the service offered on the site for payment, and that preceded the date of the cancellation.

The applicable law and the legal jurisdiction
1.    Only the laws of the State of Israel shall apply to this agreement. The sole place of jurisdiction for any matter related to these regulations and to the use of the social network is the competent court in the matter in the Central District.
2.    A user shall not instigate legal proceedings against JobMaster unless he has contacted JobMaster earlier in writing, raised his argument before it, and is prepared to participate in a mediation process for settlement of the dispute, before doing so.
2. Terms of use − the professional social network

1.    The social network service is given by means of internet websites (such as www.jobmaster.co.il and any website operated by JobMaster or on its behalf) and/or by means of an application, including together with a third party. The internet websites, the mobile application, background applications, Internet services and together with third parties, shall be called -  The social network site" or "the site" or "the social network".
2.    The service applications of the professional social network include forums for the creation of links and telecommunications with other members, with employers, and with third parties, the exchange of information, and reviews among  members, uploading the user profile of the member, receipt of information about studies, courses, and professional conferences, etc.
3.    The conditions and the limitations of use of the professional social network service as set forth in these regulations, address the relations, the rights, and the obligations between the user and JobMaster and/or other users. General provisions in the terms of use regulations shall apply accordingly also to use of professional social network. Specific provisions regarding professional social network shall prevail over a conflicting provision in the general JobMaster regulations, if any.

1.    The social network is a platform aimed at improvement of the working life and the career options of the user by means of exposure to a variety of different applications.
2.    The social network wishes to provide the user with new opportunities, mainly in the professional context, to make it easier for the user to create connections by means of a professional social network, to make information accessible to him, to permit exchange of information, and to serve as a platform for the professional advancement of the users. In order to meet these targets, The social network collects information in order to supply to the user information, proposals, recommendations and services, and to advance interaction inside and outside the user's network. This is done in accordance with the privacy definitions and declarations of the user.
3.    The social network is the core application of the service.
4.    The profile page created by the user in the social network represents the user's identity in the social network service, in the JobMaster website, and in the service applications. In order to use the social network, the user creates an overt user profile inside and outside the social network. However, there are a few applications of the social network service that may be used even when the user profile is not overt in the social network.
5.    The social network permits the user to present himself with a personal user profile, to present his activities, and to interact with other users and with third parties in real time. When a user defines his profile as "public" and thus permits access to his profile from other sites, by means of search engines, he will enjoy maximum exposure and thus achieve maximum exploitation of the social network.
6. A user who registers on the Job Master website joins the social network by default (Profile database and CV's) and initially becomes a "free member" of the social network, that is - the initial service is free of charge. In this situation, the user will be able to see only part of the information of the various profiles found in the network and use basic features.
7.    The user has the option of upgrading his free membership to membership for payment in the social network, that will be called "Premium membership". Contrary to free membership, Premium membership supplies all the advanced features found in the network. Special memberships for specific target groups will also be called Premium membership. Free membership and Premium membership will be called together "membership of the social network".
8.    On entry to the network the user may only use his user account with the social network service applications that may be used even without an overt user profile in the social network.
9.    If the user wishes to use social the network service applications that obligate an overt user profile in the social network, he must specify the private settings of his profile accordingly.
10.  The option to use the applications offered in the social network "Profile database and CV's" does not constitute a proposal, but an invitation to offer joining. By completion of the joining process the user agrees to the conditions of these regulations and to use the social network application as is.
11.  The social network reserves the right and the discretion to approve or not approve the joining of a member and/or to terminate the membership of a person who did not comply with the conditions of the social network.
12.  Joining use for payment constitutes confirmation by the user of his agreement to pay the relevant use charges.
13.  The user undertakes that all the data that he supplies are correct and full. The user undertakes to check that the data for all the applications that he uses are correct and full during the entire period of the agreement. If the user should wish to make a change to the information, the customer service team of social network will change the user's data at the request of the user, and subject to satisfying the customer service team regarding the correctness of the data. The social network reserves the right to charge the user for the costs incurred in connection with execution of these changes as aforesaid.
14.  Use of the social network is intended for adults. The user declares and undertakes that he is an adult, above the age of 18, and that his legal competence has not been diminished or revoked for any reason whatsoever.
15.  To remove any doubts, the social network is unable to absolutely verify that every registered user is in fact the person whom he declares to be. Consequently social network bears no responsibility for the real identity of the user. The social network shall expel and block every user about whom it becomes aware that he has furnished incorrect details or has infringed the terms of use in some other way, at its discretion.
16.  In order to purchase membership of the social network, the user must register in the platform and choose a password.
17.  The user undertakes to keep this password secret. The social network shall not expose the password to any third party whatsoever. The password shall be used only during the connection process, and not at any other time. For reasons of security, the social network recommends that the user change his password from time to time. The user is solely responsible for guarding and saving details of entry to his profile in the social network.
18.  Every user can create only one user profile. The user is not entitled to permit a third party to use his user profile.

The obligations of the user
1.    The user shall supply real declarations only and shall avoid use of false names or pen names.
2.    The user shall use a profile picture for his user profile in the social network, in which the user is clearly identified. The user undertakes that the public display of the profile picture furnished by him to the social network is not prohibited by law. The user shall not use a picture of any person who is not the user and/or a picture of persons who do not exist and/or a picture of other creatures (such as animals, imaginary creatures, etc.), and shall not use logos as his profile picture. The user shall not use a picture that includes a detail whose display by the user is liable to infringe third party rights and/or infringe the provisions of the law.

Terms of payment − Premium services
1.   The user may pay for use of services given against payment using the methods of payment offered by the social network. Non payment will lead to additional charges in respect of the costs of treatment caused to the social network because of this, and any additional expenditure or cost shall apply to the user.
2.  A user who has purchased a premium subscription will pay the total amount of the subscription in advance.The subscription will be automatically renewed for a new period depending on the type of subscription chosen by the user, and the full price will apply to this period in accordance with the company's price list.
3.   The social network reserves the right to update the price for any or all of its services, from time to time. If the charges for services have been agreed in advance and in writing for a specified period, their price shall not increase during the said period, but they may be changed for any period of renewal or extension. In transactions in which the charge was not fixed in advance and in writing for a specified period, the increase in price, if any, shall not be made more frequently than once a quarter. In such a case the social network shall notify the user at least 30 days in advance about the increase in the price. If the user should not agree to this increase, he shall be entitled to object within 7 days of publication of the social network's notice by email to info@jobmaster.co.il. Submission of an objection by the user shall constitute cancellation of the Premium membership and this shall expire at the end of the said 30 days.
4.  It is clarified that a Projobs user who purchased a subscription but did not use it during the subscription period, will not be entitled to any refund and/or credit and/or any compensation and/or other right.

Responsibility for the user's contents
1.    The social network shall not be responsible for any content and/or data and/or information supplied and/or displayed by the users in the social network. In particular does not undertake or guarantee that the data and/or the information supplied by the users as aforesaid are correct or accurate.
2.    The user shall be entitled, and is invited, to report the activities of any other user who has infringed the provisions of the law and/or any of the conditions as set forth in these regulations.
3.    The social network is not obligated to forbid third parties to save data or content that are available in the site. To view the privacy policy of the social network - click here.
4.    The social network supplies its users with a platform only and consequently it is not involved in the contents of the telecommunications between the users, and bears no responsibility for it.
5.    The social network shall make every effort within the technical options available to it in order to maintain the social network website available at all times without disturbances. Events related to requirements of maintenance and/or security and/or events beyond its control are liable to cause malfunctions or temporary halting of the service supplied by the social network. In such a case the social network shall make every effort to correct the disturbance and restore its services to proper working and availability as soon as possible.
6.    The social network is entitled to block use of the site if the user does not comply with any of the conditions of these regulations and/or for any other reason, at its sole and absolute discretion.
3. Terms of use − jobseekers

1.    The site serves as an advertising board. Use of the site and the contents displayed therein is subject to the terms of use as set forth below. Please carefully read these conditions, since commencement of use of the site and its contents testifies to your agreement to and approval of that set forth in these terms of use.
2.    The information displayed in the site, including the information in the want ads displayed in the site, and the information supplied by the user of the site shall be called below "the information".
3.    The profile created by a user who registered in the site by means of the jobseekers system in the site shall be called below "the user card".
4.    Uploading contents to the site, including to the user card by entering data and/or uploading files, shall be called below "advertising".
5.    Contents of any nature or type whatsoever that may be uploaded and/or included in the site in any other way, including by means of text and/or numbering and/or pictures and/or any other visual and/or audio means (such as notices, pictures, files of different kinds, links, text, and any other information) shall be called below "contents".

Use of the site
1.    The site, the proffesional Profile, CV management interface in the site, and the user card for jobseekers, are intended for use by jobseekers and for this aim only, and are not intended for use by a person and/or companies and/or commercial or other entities that are not jobseekers.
2.    Use of the site in general and of the jobseekers system and the user card in particular are intended solely for the purpose of sending the CVs of the jobseekers in response to specific ads. Use of the site is not intended for uploading advertising contents and/or for the transfer of any messages whatsoever of the Advertisers of the ads in the site in the guise of personal information of a jobseeker.
3.    JobMaster respects the privacy of the users of the site and the privacy of the personal information uploaded to the site by the jobseekers. Information regarding the privacy policy of the site, that was formulated in accordance with the provisions of the law and the relevant regulations, may be found on the privacy policy page. It is clarified that the privacy policy constitutes an integral part of these regulations and may change from time to time.
4.    Without limitation to the aforesaid and/or the privacy policy of the site, JobMaster shall as far as possible prevent your personal details being furnished to third parties, except as set forth in the privacy policy of the site and in accordance with the provisions of the law.
5.    The conditions and limitations for use of the services for jobseekers as set forth in these regulations address the relations, rights, and obligations between the user and JobMaster and/or other users, including employers. The general provisions in the terms of use regulations shall also apply accordingly to the use of the services intended for jobseekers. Specific provisions regarding jobseekers shall prevail over a conflicting provision in the general JobMaster regulations, if any.
6.    JobMaster shall be entitled to refuse to publish contents that, in its opinion, infringe the provisions of the law and/or the regulations of the site and/or are liable to harm the site or any third party whatsoever, and it shall be entitled to delete such contents at any time and, if necessary, even to delete the content uploaded by the user or the user card, in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently.
7.    If complaints are received by JobMaster regarding the use of a user card contrary to the terms of these regulations or to the provisions of the law, JobMaster reserves the right to immediately delete and/or block the user card without prior warning and without having to give a reason to the jobseeker.
8.    Deletion of contents and/or blocking of users by JobMaster is at the discretion of JobMaster, and the user of the site confirms that it has not and shall not have any complaint and/or demand and/or claim vis-a-vis JobMaster, in connection with the deletion of contents as aforesaid. Regarding the user's right to delete information, see the privacy policy of the site.
9.    Halting of the activities of the user shall not limit the commitments of the user as set forth in these regulations, even if the user is permitted to again use the services of the site.
10.  Without limitation to the aforesaid, the jobseeker undertakes to use the system for sending CVs, and not for any other purpose, including, but not only, for sending marketing and/or advertising and/or other content of any nature or type whatsoever. If the jobseeker used the site for sending advertising content as set forth in this section, it must compensate JobMaster, immediately on its first demand to do so, in respect of direct and indirect damage resulting from the aforesaid infringement, without JobMaster being obligated to give proof of its damage and loss as aforesaid, as pre-agreed and pre-determined damages in the sum of 2500 NIS for every infringement as aforesaid, in addition to and without limitation to any other relief due to JobMaster against it, including JobMaster's right to demand in advance relief of indemnification and/or compensation and/or any other cumulative relief, at JobMaster's sole discretion, following infringement of the commitment as aforesaid.
11.  Without limitation to the aforesaid, JobMaster shall be entitled to instigate any legal proceedings, including a demand for temporary relief, against a jobseeker who infringes any of the provisions of these regulations.
12.  The user undertakes to indemnify JobMaster, its workers, managers, shareholders, or anyone acting on its behalf, in respect of any damage and/or loss and/or loss of profit and/or payment and/or expenditure incurred by it in respect of infringement of a condition of these regulations.
13.  JobMaster shall not bear any liability regarding information in the site that was received by users and/or employers, its content, reliability, accuracy, and influence on the computers of the surfers in the site; and for any damage, inconvenience, loss, aggravation, and similar results caused to the user or to any third party because of use of this information.
14.  The jobseeker undertakes not to make any commercial use of the information, in whole or in part, including publication of the information in whole or in part, in any way whatsoever, and he also undertakes not to transfer the information, in whole or in part, to any third party whatsoever.
15.  The jobseeker declares that he is aware that use of the site is intended for personal needs and for job seeking only.
16.  The jobseeker undertakes not to make any use of the information, in whole or in part, for the needs of others and/or at the request of others.
17.  The company shall be entitled to change these terms of use from time to time without giving notice in advance of this, provided that we are not speaking of a change regarding the privacy of the information of the user. The company shall publish the new terms, and they shall come into effect on the date of their publication.

4. Terms of use − employers/advertisers

1.    The site serves as an advertising board. Use of the site and the contents displayed therein is subject to the terms of use as set forth below. Please carefully read these conditions, since commencement of use of the site and its contents testifies to your agreement to and approval of that set forth in these terms of use.
2.    Any entity and/or person who has signed an ad order with JobMaster and/or has ordered services from it, as set forth above and below, shall be called below "the Advertiser". An advertising order signed as aforesaid by the Advertiser and/or anyone acting on its behalf shall be called below "the order".
3.    Advertising services for want ads and/or banners and/or company logo and/or the name of the advertising company and/or any other advertising ordered by the Advertiser in the site from JobMaster shall be called below "the service".
4.    Contents of any nature or type whatsoever that may be uploaded and/or included in the site in any other way, including by means of text and/or numbering and/or pictures and/or any other visual and/or audio means shall be called below "contents".

Conditions of advertising in the site
1.    JobMaster shall provide the service to the Advertiser in accordance with the conditions of the order and/or the items purchased and/or ordered by it and subject to full payment of the consideration, as agreed between JobMaster and the Advertiser.
2.    JobMaster does not guarantee that the information or the ads published in the site shall receive a response. JobMaster cannot know what responses (if any) will be received following the publication and who will respond to the information furnished by the Advertiser for publication. Consequently it shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever for these responses vis-a-vis the Advertiser (or vis-a-vis anyone acting on its behalf), for the identity of those contacting the Advertiser, or for any result arising from the publication. JobMaster shall not be responsible for any use made by a third party of the details furnished for publication.
3.    JobMaster is not obligated to approve an order from an advertiser that engages in the operation of a job ads board in the Internet or any other advertiser. JobMaster shall be entitled to cease to provide the service to any advertiser after giving 48 hours notice in advance. In such circumstances the Advertiser shall pay the full sum that it was obligated to pay up to the date of halting the service, in accordance with the price list in effect at that time with JobMaster.
4.    JobMaster is not responsible for the content of the information uploaded to the site by jobseekers and/or by any other entity.
5.    The Advertiser undertakes that the information to be published and uploaded by it to the site shall comply with the provisions of the law, as in effect, from time to time, during the uploading of every ad, and with the requirements of the Equal Opportunities in Employment Law, 5746-1986, and any regulations made in accordance with it.
6.    The conditions and limitations for use of the services for jobseekers as set forth in these regulations address the relations, rights, and obligations between the user and JobMaster and/or other users, including employers. The general provisions in the terms of use regulations shall also apply accordingly to the use of the services intended for jobseekers. Specific provisions regarding jobseekers shall prevail over a conflicting provision in the general JobMaster regulations, if any.
7.    If the CVs and/or any other material sent to the Advertiser by users of the site include prohibited contents, the Advertiser shall be entitled to contact the following address: info@jobmaster.co.il, give notice of  this content, and request that the prohibited content be removed from the site. After receipt of the notice and the request as aforesaid from the Advertiser, JobMaster shall act to the best of its ability in order to check whether the aforesaid content was uploaded contrary to the conditions of the regulations of the site, and if it sees fit, also to receive a response from the employer that uploaded the content to the site. If it sees fit, and at its discretion, the company shall be entitled to decide whether the content is in fact contrary to the regulations and/or the provisions of the law, and accordingly the company shall be entitled to take steps for its removal from the site. The company shall notify the employer that uploaded the content in question to the site, regarding its removal from the site.
8.    Without limitation to the aforesaid, JobMaster shall not be responsible for any damage caused to the Advertiser as a result of content uploaded to the site by jobseekers and/or by any other entities whatsoever, for which notice and a request as set forth above were not furnished and/or for which a notice and a request were furnished as aforesaid, but JobMaster decided, at its discretion as aforesaid, to remove it from the site and/or leave it in the site.
9.    It is absolutely prohibited to upload, in job ads content, advertising and/or commercial content and/or a proposal for the supply of any service whatsoever (including offers for courses, for network marketing, etc. by the Advertiser or anyone acting on its behalf, for payment or for free (hereinafter: "commercial proposal"). The Advertiser declares that it is aware that in accordance with the advertising procedures of the site it is permitted to offer, in job ads content, job offers only, for jobseekers in the site. Job ads that include a commercial proposal that is not a job ad as aforesaid shall be removed immediately from the JobMaster website without the need to give notice to the Advertiser, and the service given to the Advertiser shall be immediately frozen.
10.  The Advertiser declares that it has read the advertising procedures in the site and that it is aware that use of the site services is in accordance with these advertising procedures only.

The conditions of the agreement
1.    The Advertiser declares that it is aware that the prices indicated in the order that it signed are the binding prices in all respects, and that there shall be no validity to any agreement made verbally by the Advertiser and/or by any person who presents the Advertiser's company with JobMaster and/or with any of its representatives.
2.    The Advertiser declares that it is aware that when it was stated and written in the advertising order that it signed "various job ads" this means the publication of regular job ads (text only) in the regular job ads board on the site, and the order and the service do not include advertising in any other field and/or advertising of any other product, including banners, pictures, bold text, jobs of the week, and/or any other exhibit that is not included in the regular job ads board of the site, unless expressly stated otherwise in the order, and also agreed and paid for in addition.
3.    The Advertiser declares that it is aware that it will be charged in full, as set forth in the order signed by it, even if it should not exploit all the service in accordance with the order and/or all the items that it purchased in accordance with the order.
4.    If the Advertiser should not make any of its payments, as set forth in the order and/or if its website was closed and/or if the Advertiser ceased its activities and/or if a warning order was given against it regarding bankruptcy or temporary or permanent dissolution, or if a temporary or permanent receiver was appointed for it or a lien was imposed on it, this shall constitute a fundamental infringement of the order and JobMaster shall be entitled (but not obligated) to cease the service in whole or in part at its sole and absolute discretion, without having to give prior notice, without harming and/or limiting any other right available to the company by law and/or by the agreement.
5.    If the service is halted by JobMaster, in respect of non compliance with the terms of payment and/or in respect of any of the conditions as set forth above, the Advertiser shall pay in full the consideration for the entire period of the service as set forth in the order.
6.    To remove any doubts it is hereby clarified that from the time of halting the service, either because the date of the end of the period of the service was reached or as a result of removal of the contents following infringement of a condition of these regulations, the Advertiser does not and shall not have any right to the services that it purchased as set forth in the order form, and JobMaster shall be free to sell the said items to a third party.
7.    As long as the service is given by JobMaster, the Advertiser shall not be entitled to announce its wish to halt and/or to reduce the service appearing in the order signed by the Advertiser.
8.    Without limitation to the aforesaid, if an advertiser should submit to JobMaster a request in writing for halting the service (hereinafter: "the halting request") and JobMaster should see fit, at its sole and absolute discretion, to halt the service, the Advertiser shall pay the full sum that it was obligated to pay up to the date of halting the service, in accordance with the price list that was in effect at that time in JobMaster (hereinafter: "the price list"). In the event of non approval of the halting request, the Advertiser shall pay the full consideration for the service in accordance with the conditions of the order.
9.    The Advertiser declares that it is aware that even if time should elapse between the date of commencement of the period of the service and the date on which the Advertiser actually began using the service, for any reason whatsoever dependent on the Advertiser, it shall be obligated to pay the full consideration for the service in respect of the entire period of the service as set forth in the order form.
10.  If the Advertiser does not meet the terms of payment agreed with it in the agreement form, it shall be obligated to compensate JobMaster in respect of the cost of collection until settlement of the payment in full.
11.  The Advertiser undertakes not to transfer to any third party that has not signed the order any right resulting from the order or anything derived from it (including the publication of ads, advancement of ads in ClickMaster, multi mailing, receipt of the information from jobseekers, etc.) for payment or for free, without expressly receiving the consent of JobMaster in writing and, when speaking of a jobseekers, subject to the consent of the jobseekers. In the event of infringement of this section, and without limitation to any other/ additional right or relief, JobMaster reserves the right to immediately halt the subscription of the Advertiser, without giving prior notice and without giving any compensation whatsoever to the Advertiser.
12.  The Advertiser declares that it is aware that in the event of removal of the ad purchased by it, because of infringement of the conditions of these regulations, there shall not be returned to it the payment in respect of advertising days that were paid for but not actually exploited because of the removal of the Advertiser's ad as a result of infringement of the conditions of the regulations.
13.  JobMaster reserves the right to change and/or halt the services that it supplies on the site, including, but not only, cellular services or part thereof, after, or without, giving notice to the Advertiser. Furthermore, JobMaster reserves the right to make any change to the content, the information, and the services given on the site and/or in the cellular services, at its sole and absolute discretion, and without the need to give prior notice in all matters related to a change to attribution of the categories and fields of the positions, working areas, extent of the position, types of position, and any other content related to the site and/or to the job ads published therein from time to time, and all in accordance with the provisions of the law.

The programs offered as part of the site
1.    JobMaster operates on the site a program for manpower management and recruitment under the CVMaster commercial name, and also a system for the advancement of paid ads per click known by its commercial name, ClickMaster ("ads promotion system") (hereinafter jointly: "the programs").
2.    The Advertiser shall be entitled to make use of each of the programs as part of the services provided by JobMaster to its customers, in consideration for additional payment, as agreed in writing between JobMaster and the Advertiser.
3. PPC is a model for advertising and promotion of ads on the website. The service is offered for employers who wish to publicize ads with payment per click only, after specifying a daily and monthly budget. Payment is made for the PPC service only if the specific ad of the advertiser has been clicked. The service may be purchased by purchasing a pre-determined advertising budget and defining clicking costs for every ad separately. When the budget has been fully used up the ad will no longer be publicized on the website. The budget may be renewed at all times, directly on the website.  
4.    It is hereby declared and agreed that the program code is protected by copyright, and consequently it is forbidden to copy and/or furnish any part of the code and/or the access passwords for the program to any entity, for payment or for free, without permission in writing from JobMaster.
5.    The Advertiser is aware that the programs are off-the-shelf programs, whose performance is known and acceptable to the Advertiser, and their suitability and/or unsuitability for specific aims or uses, including the results of use of the programs, are at the full responsibility of the Advertiser and under its supervision only, and that JobMaster does not accept any responsibility and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage or loss caused to the Advertiser and/or to the recipients of its services of any nature or type whatsoever as a result of use of these programs.
6.    The Advertiser declares that it is aware that making changes to programs as a result of modification of the programs during their operation on the JobMaster website and/or with the Advertiser and/or their purchase and/or use shall not award the Advertiser copyright for the software code or for parts thereof.
7.    JobMaster reserves the right to change the monthly service sums for use of the programs, after giving 30 days notice in advance. The payment change shall be updated in the JobMaster website.
8.    The Advertiser agrees to pay JobMaster all the charges in its account, in shekels and with the addition of the due amount of VAT, and in accordance with calculations made by the automatic system in the ads promotion system. The charge shall be made after a person surfing in the JobMaster website clicks on the Advertiser's ad.
9.    If the Advertiser wishes to halt the use of the ads promotion system, it may cancel the service in the promotion system at any time. If a balance should be found in the Advertiser's account it shall be entitled to full repayment of this balance after the deduction of bonuses and benefits given in the account during the period of the advertising.
10.    JobMaster enforces a policy of privacy regarding the data entered into the system by the users in accordance with the Law for Protection of Privacy, 5741-1981, and the regulations enacted by virtue of it and in accordance with the provisions of the law. JobMaster undertakes to respect the privacy of users of the site, subject to the conditions of the privacy policy in the site and in accordance with the provisions of the law, as aforesaid.
11. The Advertiser declares that it is aware that all the information presented on the site is the sole property of JobMaster from the time of its display for the first time on the site, and the company owns all the rights to the information, including intellectual property rights to the method of their display and arrangement, and it has an interest and right to protect them.
12. The Advertiser undertakes to indemnify JobMaster, its workers, managers, shareholders, or anyone acting on their behalf, in respect of any damage and/or loss and/or loss of profit and/or payment and/or expenditure caused to it in respect of infringement of a condition of these regulations.
13. JobMaster shall be entitled to change these terms of use from time to time. JobMaster shall publish the new terms on the site, and they shall come into effect from their date of publication.
14. In order to preserve the quality of the product, i.e. real (not fictitious) positions published directly by the employers and real (and not fictitious) jobseekers, with a CV form, and in order to meet the needs of both the employers and the jobseekers, it is important to JobMaster to observe proper and uniform advertising procedures on the site (hereinafter: "advertising procedures"). The advertising procedures are formulated and changed from time to time by JobMaster as required. Notice regarding a change to the advertising procedures shall be given in notices on the site and/or by means of sending direct emails to the Advertiser. The Advertiser undertakes to observe the advertising procedures formulated by JobMaster.
I have read the regulations of the site and I agree to the terms as set forth therein and I undertake to observe them.